Reward User
1. Fully Managed by MyChips
Use this method only if you have selected Self-Managed Currency. If you already support S2S postback please skip this snippet.
To check for a reward use the getReward function. It requires your adunitId, a reward callback(which will be called if the checks shows that there is a reward), and an on error callback.
If there is no reward and no error, nothing will happen
You should check for the reward whenever the app is started or resumed. Example integration:
2. Server-to-Server (S2S) Postbacks
If you prefer server-to-server communication, MyChips can send a postback to your server with bonus information. The configuration for postbacks is available in your publisher dashboard. This method is useful for validating and securely rewarding users without client-side manipulation. If you are testing in Sandbox mode, the value of the macro {user_payout} will be 0.
Last updated