Reward User

1. Fully Managed by MyChips

To check for a reward use the getReward function. It requires your adunitId, a reward callback(which will be called if the checks shows that there is a reward), and an on error callback.

MCOfferwallSDK.shared.getReward(adunitId: "YOUR_AD_UNIT_ID") { reward in
        //do something with the reward, here we just print it
    } onError: { error in
        //do something with the error, here we just print it

If there is no reward and no error, nothing will happen

You should check for the reward whenever the app is started or resumed. Example integration:

// Import necessary modules for SwiftUI and the custom SDK.
import SwiftUI
import MyChipsSdk

// Main entry point of the SwiftUI app, marked with @main attribute.
struct MyChipsSdkSwiftUIExampleApp: App {
    // Access the current scene phase (e.g., active, inactive, background) using @Environment.
    @Environment(\.scenePhase) var scenePhase
    // State variable to track whether the app is being activated for the first time.
    @State private var firstActive = true
    // Define the body property, specifying the app's main scene.
    var body: some Scene {
        // The main window group of the app.
        WindowGroup {
            // The root view of the app is ContentView.
                // Perform actions when the scene phase changes (e.g., active, inactive, background).
                .onChange(of: scenePhase, perform: { phase in
                    // Check if the app is currently active.
                    if phase == .active {
                        // If this is the first activation (app startup):
                        if firstActive {
                            // Initialize the SDK with the API key.
                            MCOfferwallSDK.shared.configure(apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY")
                            // Optionally set a user ID for tracking or personalization.
                            MCOfferwallSDK.shared.setUserId(userId: "YOUR_USER_ID")
                            // Mark firstActive as false so this block won't execute again.
                            firstActive = false
                        // Check for any rewards when the app starts or resumes.
                            adunitId: "YOUR_AD_UNIT_ID") { reward in
                                // Handle successful reward retrieval by printing the reward amount.
                            } onError: { error in
                                // Handle any errors encountered during reward retrieval.

2. Server-to-Server (S2S) Postbacks

If you prefer server-to-server communication, MyChips can send a postback to your server with bonus information. The configuration for postbacks is available in your publisher dashboard. This method is useful for validating and securely rewarding users without client-side manipulation.

Last updated