Reward User

1. Fully Managed by MyChips

Use this method only if you have selected Self-Managed Currency. If you already support S2S postback please skip this snippet.

To check for a reward use the checkReward function. It requires your adUnitId, a reward callback (which will be called if the checks shows that there is a reward), and an on error callback.

    adUnitId: "YOUR_AD_UNIT_ID",
    onReward: (reward) {
        //do something with the reward, here we just print it out
        print("Reward: ${reward.virtualCurrencyReward}");
    onError: (e, st) {
        //do something on error, here we just print it out
        print("Error: $e");
        print("Stacktrace: $st");

If there is no reward and no error, nothing will happen

You should check for the reward whenever the app is started or resumed. Example integration:

void main() {
  runApp(const MainApp());

class MainApp extends StatefulWidget {
  const MainApp({super.key});

  State<MainApp> createState() => _MainAppState();

class _MainAppState extends State<MainApp> {
  late final AppLifecycleListener _appLifecycleListener;

  void initState() {

  void dispose() {

  Future<void> checkReward() async {
      adUnitId: "YOUR_AD_UNIT_ID",
      onReward: (reward) {
        log("Reward: ${reward.virtualCurrencyReward}");
      onError: (e, st) {
        log("Error: $e StackTrace: $st");

  Future<void> initialize() async {
    //initialize the sdk and set the user id
    await MCOfferwallSdk.instance.init("YOUR_API_KEY");
    await MCOfferwallSdk.instance.setUserId("YOUR_USER_ID");

    //check for reward when the app is initialized

    //check for reward when the app is resumed
    _appLifecycleListener = AppLifecycleListener(
      onResume: () {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return ...//your app body

2. Server-to-Server (S2S) Postbacks

If you prefer server-to-server communication, MyChips can send a postback to your server with bonus information. The configuration for postbacks is available in your publisher dashboard. This method is useful for validating and securely rewarding users without client-side manipulation.

Last updated